Jun 15 - Vetnosis releases STORM FORECASTS: 2015-24
Edinburgh, UK - 19th June 2015 - Vetnosis releases STORM FORECASTS: 2015-24
Vetnosis is pleased to announce the latest release of STORM FORECASTS: 2015-24.
STORM FORECASTS is the only independent source of animal health and animal agriculture market data and forecasts for the global animal health sector.
STORM FORECASTS delivers comparable, consistent and robust animal health and animal agriculture data and forecasts from 2004-2024 in a data-rich Excel-based product containing 2.7 million data points.
This release takes account of the latest forecasts for the macro-economic environment, animal protein consumption, production and trade trends and companion animal healthcare in each of the 81 countries/regions covered.
Tim Evans, Managing Director added "STORM FORECASTS delivers the only "off-the-shelf', robust and effective tool for companies needing comparable, quantitative historical market data and forecasts for animal health and animal agriculture from 2004-2024. STORM FORECASTS is a valuable tool in supporting strategic and operational planning in both emerging and developed markets for production animal and companion animal healthcare."
For further information on STORM FORECASTS: 2015-24 please contact:
Tim Evan
Managing Director
T: +44 (0)131 718 0772
Email: tim.evans@vetnosis.com